Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated India’s longest cable-stayed bridge, Sudarshan Setu in Gujarat. The bridge popularly known as Signature Bridge will connect the island of Bet Dwarka to mainland Gujarat. A video from this event was being widely shared on the social media platforms, where, PM Narendra Modi was seen waving. Users are claiming along with this short video clip that PM Modi was waving at the fishes. After investigation it was found that the viral claim is fake and that the PM was waving at the people sitting in the boats.
X user Riju Dutta shared the viral video on their profile.
Other users too are sharing the video with the same claim in Hindi too.
Since the video was recent we started our investigation by doing Google keyword search and checking the videos and news reports associated with this event.
We found a video posted on the X profile of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
In this video, some boats can be seen in the sea.
In one particular frame, people can be seen waving back at the Prime Minister too.
In one of the tweets from X handle of PMO too, several boats can be seen in the Arabian sea before the inauguration of the bridge.
We found that the viral video was originally shared by the X handle of ANI.
Here too, at around 15 seconds it can be noticed that PM Narendra Modi is waving at the people in the boats.
Conclusion: Viral claim stating Prime Minister Narendra Modi waved at the fishes in the sea during the inauguration of the Sudarshan Setu recently, is false. PM Modi was waving at the people sitting in the boats, they can be seen waving back at the PM.