Lighthouse Journalism came across a post being widely shared on social media platforms. The post shared the tragic news of Bollywood actor Shreyas Talpade, who acted alongside Shahrukh Khan in Om Shanti Om. Though the image was shared as a meme, people are sharing it thinking it to be true. During the investigation we found the news to be fake.
Facebook user Insane Typewriter shared the screenshot on the page.
Check the archive version of the post.
Other users too are sharing similar posts.
We tried the basic Google keyword search to start the investigation.
Through this we found a news report on the Republic.
The news report said: Recently a post went viral on the internet claiming that actor Shreyas Talpade has died and this left his fans in shock. However, now it has been reported to be a hoax. The Golmaal actor took to his social media handle to clear the air and slam those for playing with the emotions of people
We also found a post by Shreyas Talpade on X.
He started the post by stating: I want to assure everyone that I am ALIVE, HAPPY and HEALTHY.
He has also shared the same post on Instagram.
We also found a report about it on Marathi Jagran.
We also connected with senior Entertainment journalist from Mumbai, Parag Chhapekar who confirmed that the news is fake and further stated, ‘irresponsible and restless reaction of society is really dangerous’.
Conclusion: Bollywood actor Shreyas Talpade is alive and healthy, fake news about his death goes viral.