Lighthouse Journalism came across a video being shared on social media platforms. The video showed fireworks in the night sky. It was claimed along with the post that the people of Ayodhya and Barabanki are celebrating after the results of lok sabha elections 2024. During investigation we found the claim to be false.
X user Firdaus Fiza shared the video on her profile.
Check the archive version of the post.
Other users too are sharing the same video with the same claim.
During the investigation we found several users had written on the post that the claim is false.
Another user wrote that the video is from Jaipur.
While we searched for other social media users who shared this video, we found that some users had shared the video posted by one Kamal Sharma. We then checked his post.
Kamal Sharma had shared the post on January 15, 2023, mentioning that the video is of fireworks in Jaipur during the kite festival on Makar Sankranti.
We found a few similar videos that confirmed that firewords did light up the sky on Makar Sankranti in 2023.
Conclusion: Video of fireworks from Jaipur on account of Makar Sankranti in 2023 resurfaces as recent from Ayodhya and Barabanki of people celebrating after Lok Sabha election results. Viral claim is false.