Fact check: Old, satire article widely shared as real news article

Old, satirical newspaper clip shared with misleading claim, as real news. The viral claim is misleading.

Misleading claim about satire
Misleading claim about a satire newspaper clip being shared as real news. (PC: X)

Lighthouse Journalism came across a picture of a newspaper clip being widely shared on social media platforms. It was the headline that was highlighted. It said, “2588 साल बाद होली पर बन रहा ऐसा संयोग, कई बीमारियां होंगी दूर,” (It is after 2588 years that such coincidence is happening on Holi, many diseases will be cured).

During the investigation, we found that the piece was a satire piece written in 2019.


X user Kapil Dhama shared the viral newspaper clip with claim, “इतने संयोग तो सतयुग वालो को भी नसीब नहीं हुए होंगे।” (Such coincidences wouldn’t have been destined even for the people of the Satya Yuga)

Other users too are sharing the newspaper clip with similar claims.


The comments on the post indicated that users were reading the headline and not the text. The text indicated that it was a satire piece.

A quick reverse image search led us to the original article, published in prabhatkhabar.com on March 19, 2019.

The text said (translation): Let’s know what it is –

If there is a slowdown in business, you don’t feel like going to work, you don’t feel like going out anywhere, children are not studying, they are getting low marks, you have a headache, you don’t feel like eating food, you wake up frequently at night, you have body pain, your eyes ache, you feel lazy, then this trick is the sure cure for all these diseases.

A day before Holi, Holika is burnt in the evening on the day of Falgun Purnima. This is called Holika Dahan. So the trick is that when Holi Dahan takes place, rotate the mobile seven times over your head and throw it in the fire of Holika and don’t look back. You will definitely face trouble for a day or two, you will feel nauseous, you will get angry, but you will get relief from all diseases. And all work will start getting done properly. Try it.
To everyone,
Happy Holi

This was a piece of satire, which the people shared after reading just the headline.

Conclusion: Old, satirical newspaper clip shared with misleading claim, as real news. The viral claim is misleading.