The 45-day event, Mahakumbha is set to witness the largest human gathering, with over 40 crore attendees expected to visit Prayagraj. The Mahakumbh commenced on Monday and the same day a claim was widely shared on social media platforms. A video was shared with the claim that a hospital in Mahakumbh premises caught fire with over eight people sustaining injuries.
During the investigation, we found that the viral claim was false and the video was actually of a mock drill.
X user Saima Khan shared the claim along with the video on her profile.
Other users too are sharing the same video with similar claims.
We started the investigation by uploading the video in the InVid tool and running a reverse image search on the keyframes obtained from the same.
We found the video uploaded on the YouTube channel, @PrayagrajAmanVibes. The video was uploaded eight days ago.
The caption of the video said: A trial [Mock Drill] of Kumbh mela Fire Accident in Hospital Demo#kumbh2025 #prehospitalcare
We also found a post by UPPOLICE FACT CHECK on X.
The post clarified that the video was that of a mock drill.
We also found a post on the Instagram handle of UP Fire Emergency Services about the mock drill.
Similarly, a video of this mock drill was shared on the X handle of Fire & emergency Mahakumbh 2025. The visuals in the video looked similar to the viral video.
We also found a post by Vaibhav Krishna IPS, DIG Kumbh, Prayagraj.
He too clarified through the post that the video was of a mock drill and the viral claims were false and mere rumors.
Conclusion: A video of a mock drill is being misrepresented as a real fire incident at a hospital within the Mahakumbh 2025 premises in Prayagraj. The viral claims are false.